Today is Joe's birthday... the half century mark! What did he do to celebrate his birthday... watched Nascar with Daniel, watched Holly and Joey play basketball, cooked steaks for dinner, watched Australian Idol... and had cake!
Holly and Abby made a beautiful chocolate cake with the faintest smoky flavor... yes it was a bit burned! :) Remember ~ we are Americans trying to figure out the oven that is in Celsius and not Fahrenheit! Guess we still have to work on that one! But it was a big hit anyway with a loud rendition of happy birthday... an even rowdier version of Pangjang Umurnya (Indonesian Happy Birthday) and some earth shaking "Hip Hip Hoorays" (Australian touch)! We all decided that by this time next year, we will also be singing the traditional Chinese version of Happy Birthday!
He also received an email from Lilli sending her love and wishing her daddy a special day!!! How awesome is that.... thank you so much Sandy!!!!!
Presents.... you ask.... what were the presents? Well, Joe has never been a present guy! We have always found something small and fun to give him but this year, Joe is still deciding what he wants for his birthday... I am hoping he picks a big flat screen tv for our bedroom as we are both getting old and can't see the small one anymore!!!
Joe shares his birthday with my niece ~ Lacey! I want to add a special happy birthday to her! Lacey ~ I hope you have a wonderful day today! Hugs and Kisses from all of us!!!