Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Night of "Rest"...NOT!

Basketball is in full force now... which means I am running the roads every night taking the older kids to practice here and there. I am averaging 2 practices a night and on occasion 3. This week, tonight was our free night... our one night to stay home, take our time on dinner, and rest. All was going great... I cooked pork chops on the grill, made twice baked potatoes and snap-beans... we took an extra long time around the dinner table enjoying the fact that "we could"... no rushing! The kids helped clean up and the kitchen was in perfect shape by 6:30pm. I took the girls up to get them in their pjs... in time for me to sit and watch Dancing With the Stars and the Top Design Finale. I was in good shape... until...

Lilli was getting ready to brush her teeth and she was just chattering away ~ like normal! She sounded a bit funny so I told her to blow her nose. She looked at me and this is exactly what she said... "no mommy, I don't need to blow my nose, it is the wad of toilet paper stuck in my nose that makes me sound funny". WHAT????? "What Lilli... what is up you nose? How did that happen? When did that happen?" Lilli responds "Saturday".....

I sent Abby for the flashlight and sure enough when I took a peak... just as Lilli had stated, there was a WAD of toilet paper up in her nose. Way up in her nose. I tried to get it with my tweezers... no luck. Plus... I was a bit scared to have the tweezers up her nose. So I put those down and moved onto the aspirator... no luck.

Our night of rest ended up with a late night drive to the local hospital ER. There were hundreds of folks in the ER... I just knew we would be there for hours. Lilli caught the eye of a young nurse and smiled and batted those beautiful eyes... and next thing you know we were in triage and in a bed.

The Dr. was with us within a few minutes and wanted to transfer her to the pediatric unit for sedation and removal... followed by a night in the hospital. I begged him to just "give it a go"... get the yuck out of her nose! I promised him that she was the best patient ever... as she really is! He agreed to give her one chance... but he was not too sure about it!

He summons his tools... and asked the nurse to hold Lilli's head. Lilli assured him that the nurse did not need to hold her head, she would not move. She even made him a promise... that she kept! She did not move a muscle and he was able to dig an amazingly large piece of toilet paper out of her nose. He was concerned about toxic shock since it had been in there a few days and was not "pretty" when he pulled it out.

The Dr. told Lilli that she was the best patient that he has ever had... in fact, it is amazing what a love fest our hour long trip to the ER turned into! The staff was coming out of the woodwork to say hello to Lilli. Don't get me wrong... I am not complaining... as I was thinking we were going to be in the ER long enough to watch Fox and Friends in the morning! We snuck out the back after we were done so the other patients would not see us all finished.

Lilli is now sound asleep... I would imagine she is breathing better than she has in days! I have to watch for foul drainage and fever... but the Dr. thinks he got it all and she will be just fine!
I hope she is dreaming about our new number one rule.... NOTHING GOES UP OUR NOSES!!!

So was my evening of rest... Now I just need to find out who was eliminated from Dancing and who won Top Design and I will be ready for dreamland too!


GGAdventures said...

That's scary but funny! We just made a trip to the dr. today to dig something out of AnLi's ear that has been lodged in there for over a month What 4 year olds are capable of...
Glad things turned out all right. What a BRAVE little patient! Hopefully you'll get to rest AND watch TV. I'm off to watch Top Design finale right now.

ellieshine said...

oh my, that Silly Lilli! So glad it was you and not me - oops, did I just type that?? I mean because you are more lucky in people helping you and all . . . (I would have been there all night!)

and seriously what is Top Design??

Amy said...

That is going to be a great story to tell someday!! So sorry you missed out on your one night of relaxing. That stinks!! It is 3:30 am and I am sitting here with Presley on my lap. She had her elbow "popped" back into place today, I mean yesterday. Why is it that kids don't want us to get any rest?? Hope you are all sleeping soundly!!

Mel, Pete and Clara said...

when Clara was 3, we were having a big pancake breakfast with a friend who was visiting from out of we sat there, Clara let out a powerful sneeze and out onto the table bounced a little plastic bead from her nose. Who knows how long it had been up there...ugh!

More Kids 4 Me said...


You better add "ears" to the list of places not to stick anything! Some day I'll have to tell you about Savannah's trip to the ER to get a piece of a page from a school library book (YUCK) out of her ear!


Tiffany said...

Oh my... I am so sorry to say that I did that very same when I was about Lilli's age...... my mom still talks about it....