About 16 years ago, I decided I wanted a dog. I had the white picket fence, the great husband, 2 kids (at that time)... but no pet. Joe and I researched and decided a West Highland Terrier was the puppy for our family. We contacted breeders around the US and found one in Minnesota that we really liked. We added our names to her "list" with a small deposit. We waited... and waited. Finally, one night we received a call about a "reject" puppy. A small male Westie that did not quite meet the "guidelines" and was turned down by whoever was supposed to get him. We were thrilled to be "moved up" in the line and counted down the days until Jake joined our family.
By the time Jake arrived in California, Daniel was born. Jake weighed less than 2 lbs, but you would have thought he was a much larger animal. He quickly became the smartest member of our family.
The years went by... we moved to Hawaii, DC, etc etc and finally Indonesia... Jake was a world traveler with more frequent flyer miles than most humans. He took it all in stride. Jake was with us to welcome Abby home. He learned that life on the 28th floor of a high rise in Jakarta really wasn't so bad.... but mostly... he just loved his kids... and his couch.
Fast forward 6 years and we received orders to Australia. The quarantine requirements for a pet traveling from Indonesia to Australia were extensive... and in Singapore. We could not bare the thought of leaving Jake in a cage without love for months on end. As much as we loved Jake, we decided it was best to find him a loving home instead of making him face quarantine.
A friend found Jake's new family. They had recently lost a pet and had a place in their home and more importantly in their hearts for a much loved much spoiled little white nosy puppy. Jake moved with his new family to Manila. He was very happy receiving all the attention - not only from his new mom and dad... but from maids and a driver also. He rode front and center - on the console - every time his new family's driver hit the road. He was the prince... or maybe the king!
Fast forward a few years and his new dad was transferred to Shanghai ... leaving Jake facing another quarantine problem. Jakes new mom and dad knew - just as we had - that Jake was not a puppy to live in a cage without love for any amount of time... they contacted us and asked about Jake coming home.
Today... almost 4 years after we said a very emotional goodbye... we said a very emotional "welcome home"! Grandpa Jake has come home. He is a bit slower.... a bit more plump... not a good jumper anymore... but he is home. We are so thankful to have him home. And more importantly, we are so thankful that a wonderful lady and her husband opened up their home and their hearts to this wonderful smart little white puppy and took such wonderful care of him. Thank you Kate!!!!