Friday, July 23, 2010

Muffins or Pancakes?

What do 2 adults and 2 children do when the temp hits 100 degrees plus in Alabama? Well - we go berry pickin' of course!

Joe, the girls and I had a nice lunch - yummy soup for all of us! Joe came up with the brilliant idea to go pick berries when we were done. So off we went to a small local farm.

The blueberries were ripe for picking! The blackberries... well, luckily there were a few left on the bushes. We picked enough blueberries to do a little cooking - hmmmmmmm - muffins or pancakes? The blackberries - they were so sweet they didn't make it to the kitchen!

The cool thing is the farmer does not use any chemicals; therefore, you can eat just as many as you pick while you move down the rows. The girls did just that!

We learned (while cooling off in the little office) that the farmer is actually a retired army soldier. He went to work for the govt. after he retired... but that was not his passion. Turns out that farming berries is - how wonderful that he can do what he loves and make a living!

1 comment:

ellieshine said...

FUN! Great photos . . . poor Lilli looks so hot!

I need to email you - we would love to meet you in Pigeon Falls (?) for a few days! We need to set the date!