Holly decided to pull out the "old" photo bag... as in the bag that holds all of our photos that are not digital. "Bag" being the operative term here... I am not your scrap booking kind of 'gal as much as I have tried. All the old photos brought a chuckle...

My brother and I about 29 years ago... HA!

My mom... taken last month....
ok ok... last year! :)

Me and the "twins" taken in the late eighties...

Joe and I during our engagement...

The older kids when they weren't older... enjoying bunnies in
Monterey, California.

Attempt at a family photo... this was for
Joe'e DIA nomination package. We were in Honolulu at the time.

We love to fly and it shows ... or
doesn't.... my first apartment... Blue and Mauve couch?????

Many generations of Judge men.

Grandma Sharp... or just "
Vernie"... who wanted nothing more in life than red shoes and ear bobs.

My mom and I at my brother's wedding... South Carolina was beautiful in the spring.

Throw me something mister!
Mardi Gras... always fun!!!

Papa celebrating a birthday a few years back in Washington DC.

Joe and I on a cruise. Why was I not scared of the water????

Baby Abby.

Me at work in
Indonesia... can you tell which one I am? What was I thinking with that hat? : )
JK... it was traditional Indonesian clothing. The BEST job ever! I so loved working with the Indonesian folks!

Joe and I and the kids shortly after we moved to Jakarta.

Nothing but hair... seriously... how did I get that hair to defy gravity like that? I think I needed a straight iron ! : )

Beautiful Holly on Waikiki Beach.

Baby Joey - Christmas in Bangkok.

Joe and I last week...

Joe ready to take off...

Hawaii again... we much prefer the casual pictures!

Joe in Venice... where was I???? Home taking care of 8 day old Daniel! Joe had the trip of a lifetime... he had to deliver a C-12 airplane all the way from Georgia to Italy. He stopped in Iceland, England, Spain... and of course Italy! I was a "tad" bit jealous!

Joey... loved the
magna dootle!

Look who is getting married... again... what was I thinking with that hair? And how did I accomplish that???

Me and baby H0
lly in Bangkok... really, it seems like yesterday!

In DC... kids were young and Jake was at his prime!~

Me in college.... missing Joe!

th of July a few years back.... about 14.5 to be exact. Daniel and Jake were both new additions to the family!

Can a dog get any more beautiful than Mr. Jake?

Joe playing volleyball in Hawaii... He would play volleyball anywhere!
... and last, another picture of Jake... posing as home decoration!