I am having trouble updating this site from China. You can follow my journey to Lilli on the following site:
www.tolovelilli.com password: lillian
.....or just click on the link located to the right ... on the sidebar.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
The Wheels are in Motion....
Abby and I leave for the Sydney Airport in about an hour (it is now 3:57am) to pick up my parents!!! My poor mother will be forced to get over jetlag on a plane. She and I board our plane headed to China about 32 hours after her arrival into Australia!
This is really happening.... My Lilli has spent her last Sunday and Monday without her family and we have spent our last without her!!!
This is really happening.... My Lilli has spent her last Sunday and Monday without her family and we have spent our last without her!!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
One Last Time
Right now I am in tears as my sweet little Abby who is 4 asked me if I was leaving for China soon... I said yes in 2 days and she asked me if I could "rock me like a baby one last time"... that was enough to send my heart into a bit of shock... and the tears have not stopped! She is so excited about her little sister but does "get it" that she won't be the baby anymore... she has moved into big girl territory! Oh my... the emotions of all of this!!!

Ok... she really is a big girl... she just told me she needed the computer to check her website! : )
More and More Ready Each Day....
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A Favorite Story of Mine....

Once a man was walking along a beach. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. Off in the distance he could see a person going back and forth between the surf's edge and and the beach. Back and forth this person went.
As the man approached he could see that there were hundreds of starfish stranded on the sand as the result of the natural action of the tide.
The man was stuck by the the apparent futility of the task. There were far too many starfish. Many of them were sure to perish. As he approached the person continued the task of picking up starfish one by one and throwing them into the surf.
The man was stuck by the the apparent futility of the task. There were far too many starfish. Many of them were sure to perish. As he approached the person continued the task of picking up starfish one by one and throwing them into the surf.
As he came up to the person he said, "You must be crazy. There are thousands of miles of beach covered with starfish. You can't possibly make a difference." The person looked at the man. He then stooped down and pick up one more starfish and threw it back into the ocean. He turned back to the man and said, "It sure made a difference to that one!"
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Credit Where Credit is Due!!!
If you ever need anything done ~ talk to my husband! This man can accomplish any mission set before him!
Yesterday, I was able to accomplish the overwhelming task of getting visa pictures printed for Joe and I. Mind you, I had the photos already taken and on disc... I simply needed to get them printed. This was a monumental task for me! I was able to check it off my to do list, but not until 4:45pm. (forgive me as I am 10.5 months pregnant ... I am hoping to recover all of my "normal" abilities in about 10 days!!!)
My dear sweet hubby on the other hand, moved mountains in the name of Lilli's adoption! Why I am so amazed, I don't know because he is always like this! No stress... just tell him what needs to be done and he does it. There is something "magical" about his powers to get around road blocks and folks who say "I don't think so"! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel... because he has cleared the way!
Happy Valentine's Day Joe! You are my one and only and I don't know what I would ever do without you by my side!!!
Yesterday, I was able to accomplish the overwhelming task of getting visa pictures printed for Joe and I. Mind you, I had the photos already taken and on disc... I simply needed to get them printed. This was a monumental task for me! I was able to check it off my to do list, but not until 4:45pm. (forgive me as I am 10.5 months pregnant ... I am hoping to recover all of my "normal" abilities in about 10 days!!!)
My dear sweet hubby on the other hand, moved mountains in the name of Lilli's adoption! Why I am so amazed, I don't know because he is always like this! No stress... just tell him what needs to be done and he does it. There is something "magical" about his powers to get around road blocks and folks who say "I don't think so"! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel... because he has cleared the way!
Happy Valentine's Day Joe! You are my one and only and I don't know what I would ever do without you by my side!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Just Like Christmas!!!

Those who know me understand that my biggest "issue" with living overseas is the lack of American groceries! Now... this is not a problem in the places where there are tons of military folks... Germany, Japan, Korea ~ easy as pie to get those goodies that are made in the USA! Thailand, Indonesia, and Australia... not so easy! Where have I lived? You got it... Thailand, Indonesia, and Australia!
That is why today was like Christmas! We received a commissary shipment... something that we order and receive about twice a year. We can't go overboard and we can only order non-perishables. But that is not a concern... the Judge household is a very happy household on American grocery day!
Monday, February 11, 2008
A Couple Great People Were Born on This Date!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
8 Days!

Over the last year, I have read many blogs that incorporated number countdowns.... "1 month to travel", "14 days until I leave for China", "10 days until I meet my daughter"... It was always another blog and not mine! Mine seemed to read... "paperwork glitch number 5"... "2 more weeks for this mistake to be worked out"..."they promise this document will be mailed by this date(Hawaii LT Gov)"... "116 days for LOA/SC" (that would be about 30 days later than norm)... but it all seems so far in the past as I can now type the words.....
8 Days until "wheels up" for China!!!
13 more "sleeps" until my daughter is in my arms!!!
1 month until we return home and begin our lives as a family of seven!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
It's a Boy!

Anyone that ever visited me in Jakarta met Marni. She was with us for almost the entire 6 years that we lived in Indonesia as our "Pembantu". Literally that translates to helper or maid, but for me, it translated as friend. I, who am such a hugely private person and guard my "personal space and time" with all my might, grew very fond of having Marni around 6 days a week. NOT because she cleaned my house, or helped with laundry, or watched Abby when I worked... but because she was such a gentle soul... an amazing person that I enjoyed being around. Now, shy is not the word to describe her... more like a teeny tiny mouse that runs in the opposite direction of anything... but after a while, our family was treated with her true personality. The kids adored her, Joe and I felt so fortunate to have her helping our family.
Well, fast forward and all know we lifted off Indonesian soil almost 2 years ago. We were thrilled when Joe's replacement interviewed Marni and offered her employment. The greatest thing about this is that I have been allowed the ability to "keep in touch" with Marni... and a few months back learned that she was pregnant!!! Something I had secretly (not really secretly... actually very vocally) desired for her once I saw her loving interaction with my children.
I know what an expensive undertaking children are in a country where the equivalent of $140 US a month is more than a living wage. Marni would always tell me that she would love to have a baby, but the financial aspect of bringing a child into her life would be difficult... and she was newly married. So... my answer... to make it a bit easier... was to give her everything "baby" as Abby grew out of it!
Stroller - Check
Bassinet - Check
High Chair - Check
Clothes - Check
2 years supply of diapers - Check (I bought her a bag each and every time I bought Abby a bag... so I know precisely it was a 2 year supply of diapers!)
Bibs, Baby Bath, Bouncy Chair, etc etc etc - Check, Check, Check, Check
I was thrilled to open my email today to find that Marni has learned that she is having a little boy! She had an ultrasound this week and he is healthy and on target and due in March!
My only wish is that I was there to help her as much as she helped me when Abby was a baby! I would love to have some cuddle time!!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
What Happens When You Don't Stay in the Phone Booth Long Enough

… You are a little bit Superman… but a little bit Clark Kent too!
This is how Abby spent the afternoon. Running around with her cape and superhero goggles to save the day! Abby has saved my coffee from a mean witch, her stuffed Diego from a crocodile, and Baby Liv from Buzz Lightyear’s evil twin! This girl really has an imagination like no child I have ever met!!! Too funny!!!
This is how Abby spent the afternoon. Running around with her cape and superhero goggles to save the day! Abby has saved my coffee from a mean witch, her stuffed Diego from a crocodile, and Baby Liv from Buzz Lightyear’s evil twin! This girl really has an imagination like no child I have ever met!!! Too funny!!!
Tikki Tikki Tembo and School
There were no special sporting events on the television this morning, yet things were still busy at the Judge household! Kids in the shower, kids eating breakfast, kids packing their backpacks and rushing out the door for the bus... on the first day of school!
All 3 of the older kids were up early this morning, showered and dressed and organizing their new supplies neatly in their backpacks. Can't wait to see how things change in as little as 24 hours... they will be begging for 5 extra minutes of sleep, racing out the door hoping that the bus is a few minutes late so they don't miss it!
I have Abby all to myself for 2 days as she starts the adventure known as "formal education" on Thursday... She sure wanted to be out the door with her brothers and sister this morning... but was fine when she realized that I am not going to work anymore! So we are off to the park later and to run some errands.

Yesterday, I completed about 90% of my "left to do before China" list... WOW! I even took Daniel to an "Op Shop" ~ not exactly sure what he was looking for that he thought he could find at a "Good Will" type store... but alas, he did not find it. I; however, found 8 beautiful Chinese salad plates ~ blue and white by Johnson Bros. out of England... for 5$!!! Abby has named them our "Tikki Tikki Tembo" plates because the design looks like the village in this favorite book of ours!

Last night before Daniel went to bed, he did share what he was looking for at the Op Shop... antique Atlanta Hawks "stuff"...hmmmmmmmm... I had to break the sad news that finding Atlanta Hawks stuff in Canberra, Australia is probably NOT going to happen. Sad day for Daniel....
Saturday, February 2, 2008
About a week ago, I came across this really cool site... I was looking for embellished overalls and I don't have an Ebay account... and figured I didn't need one! So my search yielded the following site as one of the top results:
Now, I did not end up ordering any overalls, but I think I have found one of my new favorite shopping sites! My friends, this is a really cool site! It is all regular folks making beautiful items from their homes and selling them on-line. Type in Baby Blanket and just watch as the pictures download in front of you.... just try to pick one favorite! There are the cutest little blankets that have a snap spot for a "Binkie" ... made out of the coolest fabric available ... and oh so warm masterpieces hand knitted by a nice little Grandma that has already "outfitted" her clan of grandchildren!
Type in Hair Accessories and you will find a huge array at a great price... one seller had a card with 10 beautiful clippies for 5$... great price!!!
I searched for hours and typed in "Adoption" and found what will sure be a favorite when it arrives at my PO Box! A Beautiful "Mother and Daughter" pendant in Sterling Silver....

Support the little guy (or girl) and go take a look at all the fun products!!!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Ni Hao, Kai-Lan

Nick Jr. is the home to a new cartoon premiering February 7th in the US. We are sure hoping it will make a much anticipated debut "Down Under" really soon also!
The concept seems to be a bit similar to Dora and Diego - Interactive Children's Television... introducing the Mandarin Language and the concepts of a multi-cultural family.
I am thinking this will soon become a Judge household favorite and we are sure hoping for a few Kai-Lan toys to be released shortly! Should we even doubt this.... I think NOT!!!
You can find out more by going to the Nick Jr. website - where they have already set up Kai-Lan interactive games and crafts in preparation for the premiere.

The adjective Orwellian describes the situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being unfavorable to the welfare of a free-society... An attitude and a policy of control by propaganda, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past.
Orwell's ideas about personal freedom and state authority developed when he was a British colonial administrator in Burma. He was fascinated by the effect of colonialism on the individual person, requiring acceptance of the idea that the colonialist oppressor exists only for the good of the oppressed person and people.
.... I was just reading a few blogs that I check on occasion - mostly (ok - ALL) adoption blogs... families waiting to go to China, in China, or home from China. I have a one track mind at the moment.... Anyway, the posts are usually "emotionally" heavy, but not "mentally" heavy.
This morning; however, one parent described a comment she had received as Orwellian.... hmmmmm ... haven't heard that word used since my last literature class in University. It made me want to investigate - delve deeper into - the word "Orwellian".
So I did and I came up with the definition above.... and going back I really don't think I would have used this word in the way it was used on the blog I read this morning... but I give the blogger an "A" for effort... I hope she uses some more words that capture my interest and spark my curiosity! This really made me want to enroll in a few classes at ANU just for the fun of it!!! I love a good debate over a good read!!! I love a good debate over politics, human nature, the weather... anything will do! But for now...
... let me get back to checking adoption blogs!!!!
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