Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Holly Polly

We are so proud of Holly and the hard work that she has put into every second of her education thus far!  Holly was never happy with an A... that only made her work harder to get an A+.  And I think even more telling of her personality is that she rejoices in others' success just as much as she does in her own!  

Way to go Holly Polly.... your dad and I are so very proud of your accomplishments and know that you will do amazing things with your talents!  

Holly earned both a Presidential Scholarship and an Engineering Scholarship to
The University of Alabama... Roll Tide!!

Holly and her best friend, Jamie, showing off 12 years of hard work!  

A girl can change her mind at the last minute... right??? ; )

1 comment:

ellieshine said...

Congratulations Holly! (Is Holly Polly a nick name or is it her name?) I cannot even imagine how proud you are! And where is she going to school? Or is the "jury" still out ;)

Why do my friends all have such amazing kids?

xo ellie