... and today, another one is done... our third since arriving in Canberra! Time sure does fly when you are having fun!
All of the kids had a great season ~ on teams with great team "mates" and awesome coaches... and most of all ~ only one trip to the emergency room!
Some of you might not know that Joey is about to depart on a pretty amazing adventure. Not only an adventure that centers around basketball, it will be his first true "American" teenage experience. He will be traveling to the US and Canada as a member of his High School's Basketball Team (Go Grammar!!!) ! They will be playing Canadian and US High School Teams in 3 states and taking in 3 or 4 NBA games also! Joey will spend his 16th Birthday with his friends at Universal Studios in California... not bad I would say! 
This all means that although his regular practice is now over ~ The USA Tour practice picks up full steam!
Seriously, Joe and I have had a great time watching the kids enjoy the sport of basketball! Abby has also, but is so ready to be on her own team... not just any team though... she told us today that she wants to be on Chris Paul's team... Look out New Orleans Hornets ~ Here comes ABBY!!! (The picture up top was Abby before she turned 1 ~ she really was introduced to basketball at a young age... her first game when she was about a month old!) 
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