Those are some very lucky "My Little Ponies" - hangin' with the big boys... Abby keeps telling Lilli they are NOT mighty steeds!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Adding Her Touch...
Those are some very lucky "My Little Ponies" - hangin' with the big boys... Abby keeps telling Lilli they are NOT mighty steeds!
Put Me in Coach, I'm Ready to Play
An added note.... Abby is 5 years old. She has been in our legal custody since age 4 days. It has been the most emotional adoption journey... seriously... it has had me on my knees in tears and it has brought me the greatest joy... and everywhere in between. Abby is amazing... It is not her... It is the fact that she is from Indonesia. Indonesia and America have no International Agreement regarding adoption. The year we adopted Abby, she was one of only 8 children adopted internationally from Indonesia - the majority of the children being adopted to Australian families. Indonesia is a Muslim country... a fact that I naively thought would have no affect on the adoption... a certain Homeland Security official thought differently... And lastly, Indonesia was a Hague Treaty country long before the US was. Add all these factors (and a few million others that popped up along the way) and what you get is a very long and difficult adoption.
How apropos that the day Abby joined the ranks of those enjoying the "Great American Past Time", is the day that Abby received her Certificate of American Citizenship! It is the "Home Base" of all international adoptions! We are ELATED!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Lilli's Acting Debut
Monday, February 16, 2009
Proud Peacock Post

Bottom line... everyday, and I mean everyday, I stop and smile because of my children. They never cease to amaze me with their courage, strength, and willingness to put 100% of their energy into reaching their goals! ... and they are always front and center to help me!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Trying to Fatten Me Up???

It is so full of dark chocolate... I am going to enjoy it so much on Saturday... YEP... I think I will eat it all (I might share a little with the kids... : ) maybe NOT) on Valentine's Day while watching a great romantic comedy... You've Got Mail, Notting Hill, Pretty Woman, American President, The Holiday, Gidget, Pillow Talk, Runaway Bride.... maybe I will watch them all and miss Joe and eat chocolate... and PLAN next Valentine's Day!
The littles were so excited to go to school today as they were celebrating Valentine's Day! 8:40am could not come fast enough for them!
We made little goody bags for their classmates with a few little treats inside. For the actual valentine, I bought a handful of different $1 packs from the dollar store. It was so fun watching the girls pick the "best" card for each of their classmates. It took us over an hour to pick and sign cards for 20 children. It was so much fun listening to them vocalize the selection process. Lilli says, "Katlyn is a girl and she is my good friend. I like Tinkerbell so she likes Tinkerbell, but I am going to pick the ice cream one for her". OK... I got that logic! Abby pretty much picked Lightning McQueen and Toy Story for all the boys and Kung Fu Panda and Nemo for the girls.
It has finally "clicked" with me that Lilli is at her best when she is 100% focused on a task at hand. Her days must be structured and busy. Down time is naughty time for her. I do get an occasional 30 minutes of video time... watching Mulan or Sky Dancers??????? or Dora. But at all other times... she must have a task to focus on. I am a fly by the seat of my pants girl so this is a bit of a stretch for me. I am learning how to plan my days from morning until night so that we have activities mixed with outdoor play (also very important for Lilli to burn off excess energy that would otherwise be put to good use in our house getting into something off limits!) Throw in three meals, a few healthy snacks (ok ok occasional junk food!) a nap, a little down time in front of a video or Leapster... and our days are good. Lilli especially likes arts and crafts... anything that she can do with scissors and stickers is GOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD in her book! Abby goes along with anything... as long as she can be "cool" doing it!
Based on this "ah-ha" moment, I have decided to enroll Lilli in school 5 days a week next year. She and Abby will continue at their current school. Abby will start Kindergarten in the fall and Lilli will move into the 4 year old preschool class. They will both go to school M-F from 9 until 1. The school, which is run by a local Methodist Church, is phenomenal. Abby has learned so much... and is so ready for Kindergarten. I am sure Lilli will blow away the 4 year old teacher next year with her smarts too!
Off to run errands... Happy Valentine's Day!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Is This a JOKE?

But seriously... why should 30million - YES 30 MILLION - of OUR money go to research this little guy? This is one of the so called stimulating items in the Stimulus Package that is almost a done deal.
Oh... by the way... I actually know WHY 30 million dollars worth of research is included in the bill ... It is simply because the money is going directly to Nancy Pelosi's district - and she has previously been extremely vocal about researching this little mouse. But... I am told over and over that there are NO earmarks... hmmmmmmmmmmm...
I wonder how many hungry children are in Pelosi's district? How many families are being put out of their homes? How many people are being turned away from a medical facility? Isn't it her state that is "holding" tax refunds that are owed to citizens?? 30 Million is not enough to "fix" any of the problems; however, 30 Million would be a good start... 30 Million could be used for so many more important things. Research the little mouse when the economy recovers.
How is this right? How is this smart? How the heck can our government shove this down our throats? How do I explain to my children that they (as well as their children) will be paying for the crazy spending of my generation? How do I, a single person among millions and millions, make my voice heard... make a difference?
I 100% support our government being proactive. I 100% support lowering taxes - personal and small business and even corporate - to stimulate the economy ~ to create jobs, I fully support aiding our financial infrastructure so that citizens can get personal and small business loans, I 100% support HELPING those that are hungry, sick, and more importantly who have fallen victim to the CRAZY mortgage schemes of the past decade. We need to spend money on reconfiguring mortgages so that the housing market is stabilized... So that the value of my home and yours does not fall... To make sure that there are good jobs for those who want to work hard. I 100% support infrastructure spending in order to create jobs- focusing on those projects across the US - in small towns everywhere - projects that have already been planned and approved, yet shelved due to funding issues... get the money out there now. Don't start from scratch... takes too long to plan and seek approval for a major project....
Preaching Doom and Gloom and researching the Harvest Mouse... I just don't get it! Anyone out there get it and want to explain it to me????
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Decorating LOTS of Walls on a Budget

Friday, February 6, 2009
Lilli AnHui and Rod Blagojevich Have Something in Common...

Thursday, February 5, 2009
How Far We Have Come...

OK.... this is a great movie! I loved it then and still love it today! Confession... I also like Grease 2 - please don't hold it against me! Michele Pfiefer has never been better. Here portrayal of a pink lady was worthy of an Oscar... and Michael... with his foreign accent... I was crushing!!!

Had to add this as it is the only thing that I really really wanted that I never had... can you believe the nerve of my parent's for not giving into my every whim and desire? I can't! This might be the cause of all of my underlying personality issues... Could be!!! I could just see myself (like the Brady Bunch kids that had a Pogo Stick) jumping and jumping and jumping. I knew I could be good enough to go to the Olympics... but my parents just did not understand. It is like unrequited love...
Did I miss anything? Let me know what your favorite was when you were a kid ... before IPODs!
** Gazillion... a term that means much more than billions or Even trillions... as in "If the current stimulus plan passes in the Senate, we are going to leave our children a Gazillion dollars in debt".