Holly Annalise is 14 ~ but inside is an old soul! She is an amazing girl that can do anything that she sets out to do! Her passion at the moment (I say at the moment because everyone knows how teenage girls are) is Drama! She was very brave a few months back to get up on a stage in the middle of the biggest Mall in the city and sing (by herself) as part of an audition for the Australian Disney production of High School Musical! I would run home with my tail between my legs, but when given this as an option, Holly still choose to SING!!! And after a dance audition the following week, we received the news that she had been choosen as a cast member!
The production company expects to sell nearly 25,000 tickets to 32 shows in October! Holly has been at rehersals and media calls etc etc a lot lately! She is really having a great time.
Other news about Holly is that she has found her "group"! She is an extremely social creature, like her father, and has spread her wings lately! Instead of taking me up on an offer of taking a friend or two to Syndey for the weekend, she told me she had too many friends and would rather have a bowling party instead so she did not have to leave anyone out! Only problem with a large group of friends .... is the mobile phone/ cell phone/ handphone (different every place we have lived) bill! :)
She is also a great student that enjoys school! She has her entire future planned out that currently includes University studies a Pepperdine... I can't even spell it.... she has already researched it and is ready to fly from my nest!!! Times flies way too fast for this mom!